The prophet Mohammed (PBUH) said It is prohibited upon my nation to eat whatever has claws & what has canine tooth, from predatory animals [Refer to Abu Daud The Modern Nourishment science confirmed that people acquire some of the characteristics of animals which they eat because the meat of those animals contain some kind of secreted horn ones & components which affect the moral ethical & behavioral quality of those who eat it. It was discovered that when a predatory bird or animal is on a hunting task, some glands in its body secret some kinds of harmonies which help it to confront, light & kill the victim. Dr. S Libij, the teacher of nourishment in England, says: These secreted materials and harmonies are found in the body of the predatory even it was a captive in a large. This is manifest when you visit the zoo and see the tiger while it is eating a piece of meat. You can see the anger, cruelty & agitated nervous exposed through its face & general behavior. Compare such an animal with the elephant & see the mildness which is manifest on its face while it is eating & playing with children visitors. Look at the lion; its cruelty & roughness & compare it with the camel & its mildness. It was observed that nations who eat predators whether birds or animals which has been prohibited by Islam, those nations have cruel & violent tendencies even if there was no reason behind being cruel. They have such tendencies just for the sake of blood shedding. Researches confirmed that this fact is manifest among backward tribes who due to the excessive eating of predators meat become extremely cruel & turn into cannibals. Researches confirmed that those tribes are also affected by sexual anarchy. They dont have respect to the institution of family and honor. They are living way of way that is almost similar to that of predators and beats. The male attacks another male & kill him so that to pull-away & consume the available females till another male who is more stronger comes & kills the previous triumphant & possess as well as sexually consume the already consumed females & so on. This may be behind the absence of the value of honor and may appearance of sexual aberration among the Europeans. Abnormal sexual behaviors exist now among the Europeans. They exchange wives, betray wives & vice versa. It is well known that even if the pig is reared in clean & well-cared fences, it does not forget its dirty nature. If it is realized, it will, again, return to the habit of eating dirts & enjoy it more that the joy which it used to experience when eating potato & beas in sterile and clean fences. This is the reason which makes the bodies of pigs contain various warms, parasites & microbes and excessive bolic acid. All these get transferred to the body of the consumer of the pork. The meat of the pig contains also a higher percentage of fat compared to that of other animals. Therefore its digestion is difficult. It is well known that the quality of meat eaten by man depends on its fat. The fatter the meat contains the move difficult for digestion it is. The American encyclopedia shows that each one hundred pounds of pig meat contain about fifty pounds fat. This means that fat is 50% of the quantity of park, whereas it is only 17% in sheep meat & in cow meat it is not more than 5%. It was found that the fat of pork contains a high percentage of complicated fatty acids. The percentage of cholesterol in the meat of pig, sheep and cow is 9:7:6 respectively. Simply this means that the percentage of cholesterol in pork is ten times more than that of cow meat. This means that the meat of pig is dangerous to human health because it increases the percentage of cholesterol in blood. When the quantity of cholesterol increases in the human blood and becomes more than the normal amount it starts sedimenting in arteries, particularly in the heart arteries, consequently it causes high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis and both are the main cause of heart attack which is wide spread in Europe. It was found that the statistics of heart attack published in Europe indicate that the percentage of heart attack and arteriosclerosis cases in Europe is five time more than those in the Islamic world, in addition to the nervous tension which the modern medicine considers it as a factor behind such diseases. It is worthy mentioning that the predatory animals are known as canine tooth animals which has been mentioned id the saying of the prophet Mohammed (PBUH). They are having four canines in the upper & lower laws. This is not only confined to the animals, but it also include some types of birds. Birds are divided into two types, grass eaters such as hens and pigeons, as well meat eaters such as eagles and falcons. However, to make a scientific distinction between these two types, it is said that the meat eater bird has a violent piercing claws whereas the home birds such as hens & pigeons are not having such piercing claws. Moreover, it is well known that the normal human nature repulses from eating the meat of meat of the predators, whether animals or birds, except in some so-called civilized materialistic societies & in some back ward tribes as we mentioned before. All these facts indicate that Islam knows what is harmful to human beings and therefore it has made this scientific classification of meat since fourteen centuries so that to protect man from what ever is harmful & honor him by not allowing him to eat beast-like animal and turns himself into an ailing beast. Source: Scientific Miracles in Islam & Sunna Nabaweya
proffesional busines person and islamic scholar